Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Technology Overused By Children - 1740 Words

Technology: Overused by Children â€Å"Our children’s digital lives are turning them into much different creatures from us – and not necessarily for the better.† – Dalton Conley, Time Magazine Imagine a world without technology. It is almost impossible to do and might even cause the average Millennial some major anxiety. Every day we use it whether it is our cars, phones, shopping, games and most importantly in the education of students. Homework, class assignments and grades are accessed via blackboard for students as early as kindergarten. Most elementary aged children have no idea what is like to do research the â€Å"good old fashioned way† with books from a library that they found using a card catalog. The days where children came home did†¦show more content†¦This consumption can lead to lack of exercise and time physically active. According to The National Center for Education Center, most students spend an average of 6  ½ hours at school each day with 45 minutes to 1 hour of P.E (physical education) (2008). That is a lot of time spent sitting down using digital devices. It is quite remarkable but is leading our children down a familiar path to a sedentary life. Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States (US) – approximately 17% of children ages 6-11 and 21% of children ages 12-17 years old are obese ((Taverno Ross, Dowda, Dishman, Pate, 2016, p. 352). We are asking our children to be confined to classroom glaring at a screen all day which can cause deterioration of eye health. It is mainly attributing it to sitting for hours in front of a computer screen. It can cause stress to a child s eyes since the computer forces the child to focus and strain a lot more than any other task which can directly put a child at a greater risk than adults for developing symptoms of computer vision syndrome (Heiting,G. Wan,L.K , 2016). Another problem that stems from the over use of technology is the loss problem solving skills and imagination. Since children rely on technology to give them quick answers they often are not presented with an opportunity for the individual to use his or her imagination or to use their ownShow MoreRelatedModern Technology and Its Effects Essay1126 Words   |  5 Pagesof the technology. It has evolved with this society so deeply where such conveniences are no longer luxuries but rather necessities. Unfortunately, the most affected group of people from the developed technology is the younger age people (Subrahmanyam, 2000). 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